Technical Questions

Q1 – What is waste?
Waste is legally defined as “any substance or object that the holder discards, intends to discard, or is required to discard”. For more information see our ‘What is Waste Guide’ on our Guidance and Resources page.

Q2 – What is PAS402?
PAS 402 ‘Waste resource management’ is the standard for the specification for performance reporting in the waste management industry. It requires organisations to define how they conduct specific waste resource management activities and determine the materials recovery rates they achieve. It was developed by the British Standards Institute (BSI) and Construction Excellence in Wales in 2009, and is currently administered by Green Compass. For more information visit the Green Compass website.

Q3 – Where can I get more technical information?
Visit our Guidance and Resource page to see our documents, including our What is Waste Guide, produced with help from the EA, the Code of Practice for Pre-Redevelopment Audits, produced with the BRE, and our guide on ‘Managing Reclaimed Asphalt from Highways and Pavements, produced with ADEPT. You can also contact us with a question. Also see our Membership and Useful Links pages for details of other organisations that may be able to help with your query.

CIWM CD&E Technical Advisory Group Questions

Q1 – Who are the members of the CIWM CD&E Technical Advisory Group?
The members are main contractors and other industry organisations that are committed to reducing waste production and ensuring the waste that is produced is managed responsibly. A list of members can be found on our Membership page.

Q2 – How often does the TAG meet?
The members meet on a quarterly basis, utilising virtual meeting technology for most meetings. Aiming to hold one meeting face to face in London at the end of the year.

Q3 – How do I become a member of the TAG?
If you would like to become a member of the CD&E TAG, please contact us and give us a brief introduction to yourself along with the reasons why you would like to be a member of the group. Please note that members are required to contribute to the information provided by the TAG by writing content, researching information and providing solutions to waste problems.

Q4 – Does the TAG have contact with the UK Government and Regulators?
The members of the CD&E TAG include the Environment Agency, who liase with Government Departments (Department for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) and Department for Business and Trade (DBT)) and regulators in other parts of the UK on our behalf. Where appropriate, representatives from Government Departments and other Regulators may present at our TAG meetings on specific upcoming issues.